Letter to My Inner Circle – Give it up to God!

This is a letter I wrote to my inner circle team. I wanted you to read it, unedited. I hope you are blessed by it.


I have had a rough couple of weeks…OK maybe months… As I think many of you have with loans, operations, money issues, concerns over job security, who you could trust… And the list goes on. I have come to a point where I have been getting dealt with on a couple of levels.

First and most important, we are right where we are supposed to be! What? Are you nuts? Right where we are supposed to be…? In pain, fear, confusion? Asking: “Where is God?” That’s where I am supposed to be? And the answer I got was: “YES!” In this place where we in the physical can do no more; God will come through. Yeah! See the messed up thing about this Kingdom life is that God calls us to places where we can NOT get it done on our own abilities and we tend to stay in that place until we acknowledge we can not get it done! That why the Lord God always comes through in the “12th hour” – because this is our 12th hour… This is the moment we actually say to him “Lord I can not do this thing without you!!” Not just the words, but the actual heart! God knows if you really mean it (God will not be mocked!). You can’t fool him, he knows us too well… He made and created us. He called Paul to teach only the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul was one of the most biblically educated people at that time – a scholar if you will, and God would not let him use all his knowledge gained in schools, he only called him to teach what Jesus taught to the gentiles… Paul “the Great” said in 1Corinthians 2:1-5: “he came to them in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling!” Paul? In trembling? The man who was chained to a guard, stoned numerous times, ship wrecked, thrown to the lions, etc… Trembling??? Because he was called to a place where he “MUST” depend on God and not on his own abilities.

“Ok Nick so we are right where we should be so now what?” We, as a team, must decide that no matter what the circumstances we praise our God! We love our God unconditionally (agape) not because of what he does but because of who he is. This is our first growth step as a team! Job lost children, livestock, houses and was mocked by his wife and his friends for praising his God and when Job questioned God and asked him what he was doing God said to him what he is saying to us right now in Job 40:7 “Gird up they loins now like a man. I will demand of thee and declare thou unto me!” In the Greek this means “Tighten your belt and show some strength like a valiant warrior.

I will charge you with a task and you will Know me and you will be mine!”

Job then realized God had a plan and he stopped trying to tell God how to do it….I guess God didn’t really need his help…just his unconditional love. And then when all still gone but Job had a peace, that peace that goes beyond all understanding, he did an amazing thing in Job 42:10 “And the Lord turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for all his friends, also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he before”…..He did what??? When he was going through hell and had lost almost everything in his life he “prayed for help for his friends!” Unheard of! I need to be blessed so I can be a blessing! God has to help me so I can help others! I deserve it!………he prayed for others and their needs (the true purpose of prayer) and then he was blessed twice as much as before! This is a true “not about me attitude!” This is one of our tools team. To pray for others as you are going through it! To praise him in all circumstances! And to pray for others to release “what God already knows we need”….he is our provider and knows our needs and wants. He is our provider!

So we have 1 good tool. 1) Pray for others when you go through trials!
The 2nd tool I think is the one that will really make the difference.
“Tongues!!” NOOO! Not that Holy magical language that I don’t even understand… Ah-ha! You don’t understand it nor does Lucifer. He understands you normal language and he sets up his troops to combat you based on what you said but the spirit he does not understand!?! It is the perfect decree from the spirit. In 1Corinthians 2:7 Paul said….” But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto OUR Glory!” The word mystery in the Hebrew is the word musterion which means shut your mouth which means to quiet your physical mouth and let the spiritual mouth speak. In Ephesians 6:17 it speaks of the Sword of the spirit which is the word of God.( also read Ephesians 6:19) The Hebrew translation for Sword is “Dirk” which is a small sword for in fighting “hand to hand” against Lucifer himself. He doesn’t understand it and it gets through and pierces him. The translation for “word of God” means “Utterance of God” which the other time it was used in this fashion was in Acts 2:4 when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples and they spoke in tongues or “utterances’. What does all this mean?? Tongues: This is our sword, this is what we use for infighting against Satan….he doesn’t understand it and when we speak in tongues our faith (or lack of faith) doesn’t get in the way because we have turned our body over to our spirit man where we are “whole and complete lacking nothing” and our faith is perfect! The devil has no choice but to Flee!

Why tongues?? Why tongues as a team??? God created us so that if we agree on anything “together” then nothing is impossible to us”! See the tower of Babel story…it wasn’t for his Glory but nothing was impossible to them. God confused their language. But God did not take this ability away from us…..he replaced it…So God created tongues for his children who were filled with the Holy Spirit. Now when we pray in tongues in unity turning our bodies over to our Spirit man in faith and pray Gods perfect Utterance together…..Nothing is impossible for us! He created us that way! He wants us to work together for his Kingdom not as individuals. “Wherever two or more are gathered in my name… I will be there”…not one but two or more. When we pray the perfect prayer in agreement we now wield the Power, Dominion and Authority we were given to the Body of Christ! (not the individual of Christ).

So what am I saying?

1) In the natural when you go through trials pray for others….your good…God knows what you need…have Faith! In that knowledge and Do not be moved by circumstances…and then …after doing all you know to do….STAND! Do not doubt do not waiver! STAND!

2) Pray in tongues “As a team”! Pray what Satan does not understand! Pray in a language he decided to relinquish for his own PRIDE…and pray unceasingly.
Pray in tongues in teams, when you are at the store quietly pray, when you are driving pray in tongues. We were meant to build God Kingdom as a team!
Get together and pray in teams….in that unity, in that common union (communion), in that act of faith lies all the power dominion and authority that Jesus God back for us by his resurrection from the death and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Tongues is a way to wield the POWER of the word and this is the MYSTERY of the Gospel!

Just a thought in my humble opinion (hope it wasn’t to long)…I just was told to write a letter so I did. I love you guys, Nick

1 reply
  1. AnthonyK
    AnthonyK says:


    That’s a great Word!

    Point #1 reminded me of what Joel Osteen says “Sow a Seed in your time of need”. When my wife and I were believing for her healing, we heard this and started to pray for the sick and we saw results.

    Point #2 is a great reminder of the uniqueness and power of our prayer language. I have been pressing that one the past few days, but not always remembering that it is unknown to the enemy.


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