"7 Biblical Truths" Book Misses the Mark – We are Created to Serve our Assignment, Not God

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David A. Rich in his book "7 Biblical Truths You Won’t Hear in Church: But Might Change Your Life" – starts out the book very strong.  He wrote about how God has very strong grip on our hand and even if our grip falters his never will.  God will never leave us or forsake us.  He went on to write about the "law" and how we could never successfully keep the "law." 

Then, the book goes south.  He starts in on pre-destination, how God has chosen everybody and if you weren’t chosen then you will never be saved.  But, to every man has been given a measure of faith.  Also, God wishes that none will perish and fall short of the glory of God.  David’s point in the book is that is the lot you have dealt is the lot that you have.  But, this creates a "weak Christian" mentality.

God has given us all power dominion and authority to be the ambassadors for Christ.  We wield this power by speaking his word, we are the powerful creatures in this world.  How can we have no "say" as to what goes on here, but at the same time have all power dominion and authority?  Pre-destination just doesn’t line up, Biblically.

Mr. Rich also states that if Jesus wants us to be saved we will be.  I say, nonsense!  God has given us free will to choose.  Yes, we are servants, but what does servant mean?  Do we serve out of obligation or do we serve out of love?  As Christians, we serve out of love.  What do we serve?  Do we serve our God directly?  No, we server our purpose, our assignment on this planet – and we serve others.  Just look at Jesus, he served his purpose and others.  We were created to fellowship with God in the cool of the garden, and to have a purpose and mission for his glory.

By the end, this book was difficult to read because it was so dis-empowering.

Remember you were give power and dominion to take the mountain!

The Process of Creating Your Reality

True abundance lives in our relationship with God through our Lord Jesus and  that is all we must master and seek. In seeking God and knowing God we begin to know ourselves (who we are) because we were called from him.  When God created the animals he spoke to the earth, when he created the fish he spoke to the sea however when he created "us" he spoke to himself. We were and are created to fellowship with him and when we get to know our God we get to know our "true self" – who we were created to be with all Power, Dominion and Authority.

Once we fellowship with God as our "PaPa" and begin to know who we were created to be our thoughts about us and others change, when our thoughts change then what we believe in our heart changes, when the heart (subconscious) begins to change the words that come out of our mouth change and we begin to vibrate at a higher frequency, plane of existence, attraction level or whatever makes "new agers" comfortable. When our words and vibrations change what we create in our lives and what we attract changes because we are now in "Peace and Joy and Gratitude" about our relationship with our father God and who we are to him. At this point typically in a Christians life "Purpose" is unveiled and your "Why" is beginning to be known (your assignment). Now the reason for your creation is known and you get up with a "purpose" and for a "purpose" knowing you were created just for this thing (reason)! You are happy and have great value in yourself and your God. You vibrate in Joy and Love and more good is attracted to you.

Your "Shalom" ( wealth, health prosperity, peace and joy…whole and complete) is laid up in your true relationship with God the father through Jesus the Christ (the anointed one) and knowing "Who and Why" you are not what others tell you, but what your Papa God tells you what you are in his word. All those things like Wealth, Abundance, material things, Joy and Peace are all available in your relationship with your God as well as the "Why we were created". We do not seek these… …they are only "FRUIT" of a great relationship with God through Jesus the Christ. "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all this will be given or provided for you." We are not Fruit seekers we are God seekers! Fruit just comes but we keep our eye on the prize (focus and vision) not on the fruit and we have to
become a living sacrifice "trusting in the Lord with all your heart…"

In Psalms 37:4 it states "Delight also thyself in the Lord and he will give thee the desires of thy heart". This means " Allow yourself to become "moldable and Pliable" (anag) and he shall "add, ascribe, write" (nathan) the desires, requests, petitions (mishalah) of thy heart, will, intellect (labe). Which means make your self moldable and pliable so God can work on you and he will write on your heart the things he has for you, and you will manifest them into reality through your subconscious mind and heart because they are now in your belief system and must manifest themselves into reality because you create what you believe is true. Whatever we believe in our heart is our truth and it will clothe itself in what we call reality. To change your reality change your heart, to change your heart intensify your relationship with your God and Why you were created. This will be unveiled and then the trials of James occur to help you become the proper vessel to hold and become the steward of what he called you to do.

Become a Killer Sheep – Part 2

In my research since my last letter, I have found several passages that will help the young and/or seeking Christian realize “WHO” they are in Christ. I also realize my first letter may appear a little harsh, however in order for us as the Body of Christ to make a significant growth step; we are going to have to get a little bit uncomfortable. When iron sharpens iron sparks fly. However, when that sword (word) is sharpened to a razors edge, it becomes a formidable weapon. We must utilize those weapons for this key time in our history for the spiritual battle grounds.

The Word shows us that when God created “grass and trees” he spoke to the earth (Genesis 1:11). When he wanted the “sun and the moon” he spoke to the firmament (Genesis 1:14). When he wanted “fish and fowl” and “moving creatures” he spoke to the waters (Genesis 1:20). When he wanted “animals” he spoke to the earth (Genesis 1:24). But when he wanted “man” he spoke to himself (Genesis 1:26). “And God said, Let us make man in our “image” and after our “likeness” and let them have “dominion” over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. WOW! We are kind of…. IMPORTANT!

To break this last passage down a bit, the word “make” in Genesis 1:26 is from the Hebrew word “asah” (awsaw) which means to create from something that already exists. We are created from God himself who always was and always will be. The word “image” comes from the word “tselem” (tschlem) which means “is a representative figure of us” and the word likeness from the word “dmuth” (demooth) which means “to resemble us”. We are a representative figure of God on this planet that resembles God that has “rule and reign” “radah” (rawdaw) over this earth. I guess that makes us…. each individual in the Body of Christ, a very Important being in Christ.

As a tool to remind you of your “greatness” repeat these statements every morning and every night or when adverse circumstances confront you.

“I am the righteousness of Christ! I am the head and not the tail. I am an example of goodness, strength and morality. I am the salt and the light of the earth and my light shines brightly. I am the brother of Jesus in Christ and the Lord God is my Papa!”

Start here if you want to step into your greatness in the Kingdom of God or….. just sit there making no changes in your life and stay exactly as you are… your choice… “Always your choice!”

Read Become Killer Sheep – Part 1

Become a Killer Sheep – Part 1

There are numerous teachings on the “Purpose” or “Destiny” of an individual in the Body of Christ that you can find in books, the internet, seminars or from the pulpit. Although some of the teachings are amazing and biblically based, there is no value to a teaching that is not applied by his or her student in “day to day” life. All that results in this type of teaching is head knowledge and rarely creates “Heart” knowledge. Without “heart knowledge” there is no action and without action there is no wisdom and without wisdom the teaching essentially never occurred.

In order for a new Christian or a Christian seeking their assignment (purpose) in life…. The “WHO” an individual is must be discussed and received before the “WHY” they exist or “HOW” they can achieve can ever be touched on. The Body of Christ for the most part has forgotten who it is. We have an “identity crisis” as a people. We really don’t believe what the word of God says about us because we are forming our opinions of ourselves based on what a Pastor, Priest, Elder, fellow Christina, parent or teacher has told us about “who we are”. We give these individuals who are our equals as created beings of God the power to feed into us and help form our opinion about “WHO” we are. This makes us extremely weak as both individuals in the Body of Christ and weakens the body as a whole. We as Christians are only as strong as our weakest member. The individual will only be as strong as the faith of the leader that has spoken into him. It is our obligation, duty, call, whatever…. To read the Word of God ourselves and then decide what the word says for us as the individual. “Stop being spoon fed” by Pastors and Evangelists so you don’t have to do the work of eating and consuming the word for yourself.

No more wimpy Christians…. Be Sheep but become KILLER SHEEP.

Read Become Killer Sheep – Part 2